Impersonal Trainers

A blog for fitness, nutrition, and motivation.

Archive for January 5, 2010

Exercise Ball Hip Raises

1. Lie down on the exercise mat and place your hands on either side of the body with palms facing down. Place your feet on an exercise ball, with knees bent at 90-degree angle.

2. Raise hips so that only shoulder blades touch ground.

3. Form a straight line from shoulders to knees and hold the position for 2 seconds, then lower your hips.

4. Lower to start position and repeat for specified reps.

Hip Raises

1. Lie down on the exercise mat and place your hands on either side of the body with palms facing down.

2. Gently lift your legs such that both the legs are perpendicular to the floor and the tops of the feet are facing the ceiling.

3. Thrust your hips up, raising them completely off the exercise mat to about 1 or 2 inches. Hold the position for 2 seconds and then lower your hips.

4. Hold the position for a second and then raise the hips again to your previous position.

5. This exercise is to be performed at least 3 sets of 10 times each.

Step Ups

1. Stand behind a 15-inch platform or step (holding a pair of dumbbells – optional).

2. Place the right foot on the step, transfer the weight to the heel and push into the heel to come onto the step.

3. Concentrate on only using the right leg, keeping the left leg active only for balance.

4. Slowly step back down and repeat all reps on the right leg before switching to the left.

5. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 16 reps according to your fitness level and goals.

Split Squats

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your back straight or slightly concave (holding a pair of dumbbells – optional).

2. Move one foot forward, with a distance of about 1 meter. Keep back straight.

3. Kneel until the knee-cap is close touching the ground.

4. Stand back up, by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings, but don’t move the foot that you placed first.


1. Stand with feet hip- or shoulder-width apart.

2. Hold a medium-heavy dumbbell in front of your body with arms straight and elbows slightly bent.

3. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Stop when your knees are at 90 degree angles OR before you lose the natural arch of your back.

4. Contract the glutes and legs while stabilizing your body with a strong torso.

5. Slowly stand back up without locking the knees and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-16 repetitions.

6. Always keep the knees in line with the toes.

Side Lunges

1. Start by standing with your feet parallel facing forward and hip-width apart (holding a pair of dumbbells – optional). Position your hands where comfortable to help you maintain your balance during the exercise. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core and abdominal muscles. Keep your head facing slightly upwards and shift your weight onto your heels.

2. Inhale and gently lift your right leg, slowly stepping to the right while keeping your weight over your heels and both feet facing forward. Once your right foot is firmly placed on the floor, bend at the hips, pushing them backwards while simultaneously shifting your weight towards the right foot. Continue shifting your weight over the right foot until your shinbone is vertical to the floor and your right knee is aligned directly over the second toe of your right foot. Your left leg should be near, or at full extension at the knee and your body weight should still be distributed into the right hip. The heels of both feet should stay flat on the floor. Keep your left foot flat on the floor as you allow your weight to shift into your right hip and alternate. Feel free to position your arms where necessary to help maintain your balance, reaching for your right foot with your left hand will emphasize hip flexion.

3. Exhale and push off firmly with your right leg, returning your body to your starting position. Repeat the movement for the opposite side.

Backward Lunges

1. Start by standing tall with your feet together about shoulder width apart (holding a pair of dumbbells – optional).

2. Keeping your eyes on the horizon, step backwards with your right foot, reaching with your toes.

3. Place your right toes on the ground and bend both knees keeping your weight in your front heel. Keep a tall, straight back maintaining proper shoulder, hip, and knee alignment in the right leg.

4. Slightly spring off your right toes and powerfully press your left heel into the floor, pushing and raising yourself back into start position using your left leg.

5. Repeat to the left side. You can do this alternating: 1 left-1 right or linear 10 left-10 right.