Impersonal Trainers

A blog for fitness, nutrition, and motivation.

Archive for January 4, 2010

Standing Lat Rows on Bowflex or Similar Weight-Lifting Machine

1. Stand on the floor facing the engine (this alternating part is not depicted in picture above).

2. Grasp the hand grips with elbows slightly bent.

3. Bend over to about 45˚ and keep tension on the cables.

4. Slowly move your elbows backward bringing the hands to a point just below your chest.

5. Pause for a one second count and return to the start position and repeat.

Every Decision Matters

Every decision you make matters. Making smart fitness and nutrition decisions every day adds up. Every decision to skip the mayo or pass on another beer adds up. Just like every decision to tough it out for an extra five minutes of cardio or decide to push through one more set of pushups adds up. Never forget that every one of these decisions matter. Make good decisions and make them consistently. You will be happy you did.

Exercise Equipment We Use

1. “Bowflex” or similar lifting machine
2. Elliptical or similar cardio machine
3. Exercise ball
4. Exercise mat
5. 2×5, 2×10, 2×20, 2×30 Pound weights
6. 15 Pound kettlebell
7. “Perfect Pushups”
8. Pull-up bar

1/4/10 Workout – Abdominals/Cardio

In between each exercise, 5 minutes of cardio.

1 – Weighted Side Crunches on Exercise Ball – 20×2 (each side)
2 – Paddling – 20×2 (each side)
3 – Kettlebell Chop (Right & Left) – 15×2 (each side)
4 – Seated Oblique Crunches on Bowflex (Right & Left) – 20×2 (each side)
5 – Scorpion (Right & Left) – 12×2
6 – One Arm Straight Up Weighted Crunches (Right & Left) – 20×2 (each side)
7 – Leg Lift Crunches (Right & Left) – 20×2

Forward Lunge

1. Start by standing with your feet together. Pull your shoulders down and back, without arching your low back, and engage your abdominal/core muscles to stiffen your spine.

2. In preparation to step forward, slowly lift one foot off the floor, stabilizing your body on the supporting leg. Avoid any sideways tilting or swaying in your upper body and try not to move the supporting foot. Hold this position momentarily before stepping forward. The raised leg should initiate contact with a heel strike first, slowly transferring your body weight into the forward foot placed firmly on the floor. As you load into this leg, avoid any sideways tilting or swaying in your upper body and try not to move the supporting foot.

3. As you lunge forward, focus more on dropping your hips towards the floor rather than driving your hips forward. This will help control the amount of forward movement of your shinbone over your foot. Continue lowering your body to a comfortable position or until your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor and your shinbone is in a slight forward lean. While lunging, simultaneously, bend forward at your hips, maintaining a flat back.

4. Firmly push off with your front leg, activating both your quads and glutes (thighs and butt muscles) to return to your upright, starting position.

Bulgarian Split Squat

1. Rest one foot up on a chair or bench behind you, while balancing on 1 leg (holding a pair of dumbbells – optional).

2. Slowly sit back with your hips and allow your back knee to lower, while keeping your chest up and core muscles engaged.

3. Push back up through the front heel, using the muscles in your hips and thighs. Do not push from the leg that is resting.

4. Keep your shoulders blades pulled down and back for posture and breathe in on the way down and out on the way up.

Rotational Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift

1. Grab a light dumbbell in your right hand and stand on your left foot with your knee slightly bent.

2. Lift your right foot off the floor and bend your knees slightly.

3. Without changing the bend in your left knee, bend at your hips and lower your torso as you rotate it to the left and touch the dumbbell to your left foot.

4. Pause, then raise your torso back the starting position.

5. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions standing on your left foot, with the weight in your right hand. Then do the same number on your right foot, with the weight in your left hand.

Sumo Squat

1. Find a small area to begin practicing the general mechanics of the sumo squat. Begin with your feet wider than shoulders width apart, toes pointed out and knees over the toes (think of a sumo wrestling stance). Keep your back straight, chest out and abs tight throughout the move.

2. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Focus on sitting down rather than bending your legs to avoid straining the knees. Keep your weight on your heels throughout the exercise while maintaining a straight posture.

3. Push off with your heels at the bottom of your move, squeezing your glutes and inner thighs until you are back in the starting position. Once you have completed the squat, check your alignment and start again.

4. Perform breaths on each repetition inhaling on the way down while exhaling slowly on the way up. Proper breathing creates internal pressure in the stomach and chest, which helps to support your spine during the squat.

5. Check your form with a mirror keeping in perfect alignment throughout the squat. Poor form may lead to injuries and will negate the benefits that sumo squats provide.

6. For the advanced, hold a dumbbell in your hands in front of you and perform the exercise as described.

Calf Raises

1. Find a set of stairs, a large, stable block of wood, or a platform about 8 inches high and position yourself so you can hold onto a railing, a door jamb, or a wall. You should be balanced on the balls of your feet, with your heels hanging off the step. This is the starting and ending position of a calf raise (holding a pair of dumbbells – optional).

2. Slowly, rise up on your toes. Your body should make a straight line from your ankles, to your knees, to your hips, to your shoulders.

3. Slowly, lower yourself back down. Make each movement count.

4. As a beginner, start off with 25-30 reps (repetitions). As you become more experienced, you could potentially do up to four sets of 25 reps, or even more.

5. For the advanced, point toes towards the middle or point toes outward and complete the calf raises.

One Leg Curls

Bowflex or Similar Leg Curl Machine

1. Lie face down on the bench with your knees near the pivot point and the ankles under the foam roller pads.

2. Point your knees straight down and tighten your inner thigh muscles (as if you are squeezing them together) to stabilize.

3. Place your hands on the bench for stability and your forehead on the bench or turned to the side. Do not look up hyper-extending your neck.

4. Tighten your abs to prevent spinal motion and very slightly lift your thighs off the pad.

5. Slowly bend one of your knees, upward and then toward your hips without moving your spine and without lifting your hips from the bench.

6. Keep the hamstring tight. Slowly straighten the leg, returning to the start position without losing muscle tension.

7. Do not allow your leg to fully straighten or lock out.