Impersonal Trainers

A blog for fitness, nutrition, and motivation.

Forward Lunge

1. Start by standing with your feet together. Pull your shoulders down and back, without arching your low back, and engage your abdominal/core muscles to stiffen your spine.

2. In preparation to step forward, slowly lift one foot off the floor, stabilizing your body on the supporting leg. Avoid any sideways tilting or swaying in your upper body and try not to move the supporting foot. Hold this position momentarily before stepping forward. The raised leg should initiate contact with a heel strike first, slowly transferring your body weight into the forward foot placed firmly on the floor. As you load into this leg, avoid any sideways tilting or swaying in your upper body and try not to move the supporting foot.

3. As you lunge forward, focus more on dropping your hips towards the floor rather than driving your hips forward. This will help control the amount of forward movement of your shinbone over your foot. Continue lowering your body to a comfortable position or until your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor and your shinbone is in a slight forward lean. While lunging, simultaneously, bend forward at your hips, maintaining a flat back.

4. Firmly push off with your front leg, activating both your quads and glutes (thighs and butt muscles) to return to your upright, starting position.

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